About GCFS.

Charles “Charlie” Hunter, Jr. has nearly 20 years of experience in the areas of death investigation and forensics.  Charlie has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from McNeese State University.  He was employed with the Calcasieu Parish Coroner’s Office from 2006 until 2023 where he served at the Chief Investigator and Director of Operations.  Charlie is a Board Certified (F-ABMDI) death investigator recognized by the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators.  He has served as the President of the national organization, Society of Medicolegal Death Investigators (SOMDI).  Charlie has been recognized as an expert in the field of death investigations. Charlie was born and raised in Cameron Parish, Louisiana and is proud to call “home” the Louisiana Gulf Coast.

Meet our President / CEO

Our Experience.

Charlie has experience responding to numerous federally declared disasters beginning with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, where he assisted recovery efforts and morgue operations.  Charlie has extensive experience in cemetery response and recovery efforts beginning with Hurricane Rita in 2005.  Other cemetery responses include Hurricane Ike (2008), Louisiana Flooding (2016), Hurricane Harvey (2017), Hurricane Laura (2020), and Hurricane Delta (2020).  These cemetery efforts have included casket recovery, site operations, identification, family assistance, and reburial.  Additionally, along with Winter Storm Uri (2021) and the COVID-19 pandemic, these responses include involvement with death investigations, fatality recovery, and morgue operations.  

For nearly two decades, Charlie has gained vast experience in the field of death investigation, fatality response, and cemetery operations.  Charlie has been an instructor state-wide and nationally on a wide variety of subjects including death investigation, mass fatality response, opioid death investigation, infant death investigation, forensic nursing, and many more.  With his unique experience, Charlie is often called to consult on various investigations.  Charlie has over 650 hours of continuing education as well as over 15,000 death investigations during his career.  

Why choose GCFS?

The team at GCFS has over 50 years of combined experience in cemetery response and recovery dating back to Hurricane Rita in 2005.

The CRTF has contracted us to restore nearly a hundred cemeteries in Southwest Louisiana.

This overwhelming task is funded through the federal response of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and performed at no cost to citizens.

Disturbed cemeteries and individual grave sites are properly documented and restored based on the varying level of damage. These services range from resetting headstones that have been forcefully removed or shifted from winds or flood waters, recovery of human remains, and reburial of human remains. Our team takes great pride in these recovery efforts and handles each disruption with dignity and care. Another mission of GCFS is to provide training and education to area coroner’s offices, law enforcement, medical personnel, and many others. Our dedicated team of professionals have over 100 years of combined experience in the areas of death scene investigation, crime scene processing, digital forensics, opioid death investigations, homicide investigations, mass fatality response, and many more topics. Our courses are designed to improve and enhance each agency with the most modern techniques and cutting-edge technology. Lastly, our Certified Digital Forensic Examiner offers a variety of services including recovery and examination of deleted text messages, call logs, social media activity, internet activity, documents, map and GPS locations, emails, as well as images and videos.